We ship only the highest quality plant material, we provide pictures and video upon request before shipping.
Online orders are shipped via FedEx ground and express, once the plants have left the farm we do not offer refunds Unique Plant Nursery is not responsible for any damages during transport.
Issues with shipping should be addressed with FedEx.
Unique Plant Nursery and Brokers Inc. Is not responsible for any issues with transport. Customer is responsible for monitoring weather and should only place online orders if weather conditions will not affect a timely delivery of your items. Every order is shipped within 24hrs and will not make exceptions unless requested by customer.
Additional Info:
Online order plants are fully rooted plants for shipping purposes plants are taken out of the pot and root system is wrapped with moist sphagnum moss unless requested by customer and customer assumes additional charges for shipping. Potted plants are available for pick up at the farm upon request.
Transport Issues:
A tracking number is provided and all transport issues should be addressed directly with carrier.